Saturday, October 22, 2011

My bread is great but the crust is tooo brown and taste almost burnt

I'd leave the foil on for at least 1/2 the cooking time, and I usually do foil the last half not the first.

I would decrease the heat to 375, but I would also suggest you get an oven thermometre to make sure your oven isn't cooking hot.

A bain marie (a pan of water beside the bread pan in the oven) may also help the crust stay lighter and less crusty.



1) If your bread baked in the inside then your pan size was fine.
Generally a bread (loaf) pan is 8-1/2" x 4-1/2" or 9" x 5" or even a 10"
x 5" . So your pan sounds fine except for being dark Bakers Secret. If
those pans are used you need to adjust the temperature of your oven to
accomodate the heat it will conduct. Therefore always adjust DOWN 25
degrees when using a dark pan. Next time bake the bread at 375 degrees
and it should be fine.

2) Most breads bake 45-60 minutes so again if the bread was baked
inside, your timing is fine

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