Tuesday, November 1, 2011

OTS had to share my Stupidity

Not stupid.  We just live in an alternate universe.  I took a friend from the pool shopping last week since it was rainy and she had no ride.  She told everyone in class today that she had never shopped with anyone like me and that I just go in, head to the produce and then the eggs and meat and she had never not gone up and down the aisles.  Well, I don't shop the aisles.  I get the produce that is on sale, the eggs were on sale, and the meat on sale and I'm out. 
She said I never even slowed down for the 'treats'.  I asked what the 'treats' were and she said no bakery, no candy, and no chips....it was like I didn't even see them.  Well that's cuz I didn't.  Oh well.... 
One of the ladies in my class said she had always wondered if I really ate like I say I do and now she believes that I do.  Too funny.  Really Theresa, why would you pay attention to the bakery?  It's not a safe place for us to shop!  In your universe, radishes are 'treats'.  In mine, nuts are....  We just march to a different drummer...
Karen Tressler


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