Thursday, November 3, 2011

very important will cycle for the rest of your life

Just what I would have said Lily.  The grief of loosing something you may feel was very important will cycle for the rest of your life.  There will be moments when it strikes you hard out of the blue and you will feel like you are right back at the beginning.  It's not unusual and we probably all struggle with it.  The cycle of grief has four stages and you can expect to revisit them all although as you adjust you will probably spend most of your time in the 4th stage .... advocacy!  Telling others about what a difference it made for you and things you learn from this list and other places. 

Moe, we already know you are advocating, so don't feel bad about visiting Stage 1, 2 or 3 now and then.  You are shining in Stage 4 and it's great to see how far you have already come in advocating for your own health and that of others just since signing on with us.  It's ok to regret what you can't have during the holiday season this year but it's also great to plan what new wonderful similar things you can have - the same but done differently perhaps.  Instead of pumpkin pie, for years we had pumpkin pudding and you know what, my two boys will eat pumpkin pie filling as if it were toast spread :-).

Thanks for saying what I would have said Lily.  We all need to remember to be kind to ourselves when we have those moments of grief- whether over the lifestyle changes we have to make for our children, or for ourselves.  It's ok to regret things from time to time, as long as we realize we still have to buck up and continue on.

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