Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Extra Crunchy Recipe translated from a Ramen Noodle Crunchy Onion Rings Recipe.

Ramen Noodle Crunchy
Use Mai Fung/fun Rice noodles and your own seasonings instead.
Ramen Noodle Crunchy Onion Rings. use with the last beer/soda onion rings recipe I posted.. I've never tried this one..
The ultimate crunch experience.

Use the inexpensive, cellophane wrapped `block'-type ramen. Choose a flavor you like; I used Roast Beef but most would work equally well, I think.
The batter has to be quite thick to hold the crushed ramen in place, so test one and whisk in a tablespoon or so of additional flour if necessary.


2 blocks ramen noodles (with 1 flavoring packet reserved)
2 cups Basic Batter (made with gf beer)…see the ingredients list below.
Oil for frying
1 very large yellow or Vidalia onion, cut and separated into 3/4 inch rings
Curly Ramen Crunch Onion Rings


Break off half of one block and pulse it in a food processor or blender until finely ground. Stir these into the batter and set aside. 
Break up the remaining noodles into small chunks and either processes them carefully in small batches until they're chopped into small bits 
(but not ground) or put them in a heavy duty plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin or soup can. Spread the crushed noodles in a shallow 
bowl and shake the contents of the flavor packet over them; mix thoroughly.

Heat 1/2 to 3/4 inches oil in a heavy skillet to 375 degrees. Dip an onion ring into the batter, coating thickly, and dredge in the crushed noodles. 
Lay it gently into the oil and cook until golden, turning once. Remove and drain on paper towels. Repeat with remaining rings. You can do 2-3 at a 
time depending on the size of your skillet, but take care not to crowd the pan or let the temperature drop too much, or the rings will turn out greasy.

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