Safer? I don't think one or the other is less safe. Capryllic acid is found naturally in whole coconut oil, which is why coconut oil is often used by our list members.
Often treatment for candida overgrowth requires several different avenues of attach, but while looking at what to use to eradicate candida, please remember it is a naturally occuring part of the GI tract and some candida is necessary for proper body function. When you remove overgrowth with GSE or capryllic acid, you need to replace the candida with other good strains of bacteria in the GI tract - ie massive probiotics. If you don't, naturally occuring strains will still not be strong enough to fill the void and you will just have a repeating candida cycle. Dietary restriction of carbs is often necessary too for a really successful treatment.
If you don't naturally eat foods with probiotics like safe yoghurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut water kefir, etc. then you might want to look to supplementing with a probiotic capsule with only LIVING strains in extremely high doses (mine was 50 million live bacteria in 10 strains). Just one like lactobaccilus is not sufficient either, you need multiple strains.
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